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A Place for a place holder

We've been "off-the-air" for the last month or so accomplishing great things...trust us :)

For starters we, well, mostly Melissa, have been crankin' on the Thank You notes! Our family and friends have been so generous, we've really worked hard to put heart-felt thanks into those tiny little notes! We're going to send them out in one big batch to hopefully avoid any embarassing finger pointing...

We've also been busy making ourselves at home as a married couple. For those of you "In The Know", we FINALLY got our Ethan Allen china cabinet installed-- all of it! So we've been spending quite a bit of time loading it up with all the adult-like goodies we've been given. And then rearranging the stuff to make sure it sparkles well.

Melissa and I have been working-over the new iBook I got Melissa for her birthday. Its awesome!! I'm totally an Apple believer since using it the last month or so. The apps are really intuitive and effectively designed to make computing fun again! We've both fallen in love with iTunes and are busy making cute playlists for each other.

Speaking of cute...we picked up our wedding video yesterday. We've already watched it twice :) We love it! We'll have DVD copies of it soon...and then we'll make a few choice digital clips and upload them to the site.

Also- Hart was featured this month in Information Security Magazine!

Until then,


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 9, 2003 9:26 PM.

The previous post in this blog was A Sneak Peak....

The next post in this blog is Hurtling Towards The Holidays.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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