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Trick or Treat: Sell Your House!


We spent the early part of Halloween 2007 trick or treating in our old neighborhood for the last time. It was a really great way to make the rounds and chat with our beloved neighbors! We really had an amazing 7 years there! Melissa and I got engaged, got married, adopted Scout, gave birth to Sierra, and made lifelong friends of many of our outstanding neighbors.

We then traipsed over to our new neighborhood (it's so nice that they are close!) and met a few of our new neighbors with a quick trick or treat before it got too dark.

We finally sold our townhouse, in 30 days!!, and it couldn't have been done with out the best real estate agent EVER, an outstanding lender, and lots of hard work by family, friends, and neighbors. We're super excited about the next fun chapter in our lives!!

More pics from Halloween2007

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 1, 2007 8:35 PM.

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The next post in this blog is New House!!!.

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