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Melissa's First Mother's Day!!

This year was officially Melissa's first Mother's Day! To celebrate we went out to this super fantastic nearby park with Grandma Shelli, Aunt T & Noa (who celebrated her 2nd Mother's day!!!) and complimentary men-folk. Later that evening we met up with Aunt Mikaela and Uncle Nick for dinner downtown. Yummy!

We were very lucky in that we had a spectacular day, sunny with a bit of a breeze, and everyone had a stupendous time!




Check out our nearly 100 photos of the fantastic day celebrating our Moms :)

First Big Set

Second Huge Set


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 20, 2007 8:43 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Fun Times :).

The next post in this blog is Chicago Sightseeing!.

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