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Level 2 Sonogram!!

This morning we went for our first level two sonogram. Simply was head-down and facing backwards, but none-the-less the doctor was able to determine that Simply is a GIRL!!! We're super excited and can't wait for higher resolution pics in another 6 weeks...and of course her arrival in July :)

The sonogram is below...for an annotated picture, click here!

Comments (3)

Aunt Mikaela:

THIS IS JUST SOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let the girly shopping commence!!

Future grandma:

UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!! We're having a sweet lil girl!!!

Scoutie's getting a lil sistah, Noa & Sydney will have a great playmate -- and the rest of us get to shop til we drop!!!!!

How thrilling for Hart & Liss and everyone who loves you both!!!!


Shelli Rossman:

Daddy and I were so thrilled to actually feel Simply moving as Liss says, "ka-thunk, ka-thunk" earlier this evening!!!!!

What a rare experience....love you both so much...



This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 6, 2006 11:30 AM.

The previous post in this blog was February Belly Shotz!.

The next post in this blog is Snow Day! Yay!!.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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