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A Speedbump On The Information SuperHighway


As many of you know on July 1, shortly before we were to be married, our web hosting provider suddenly stopped providing service to its’ customers for reasons that are still entirely not clear. It caused quite a hiccup in our wedding logistics as many of you were relying on our site for information and directions.

Nonetheless, we had the most incredible wedding anyone could ever wish for! Surrounded by family and friends we became husband and wife; and then partied the night away! And true to their word, 2am came and the vast majority of our party animal guests still had on their dancing shoes…they had to close the place around us!

Now, having just returned from our Honeymoon (rest assured, we won’t be providing *too* many details here!), we’re going to re-build the site. We plan to include a summary of the previous site “Hart and Melissa’s Fabulous Wedding Website” including core content and multi-media. However, we plan to use the new site “Hart and Melissa’s Fabulous Website” to chronicle our lives going forward. We hope this site will continue to be a fun and interesting way for our friends and family to interact with us on the Internet.

It will take a few weeks to get the site to where we’d like it to be. In the meantime, please re-add your e-mail address to our notifications list so that we can provide you with timely updates when we add new and exciting posts!

Take Care,
Hart & Melissa

Comments (5)



I must agree it was the BEST wedding I have ever been too...I am still amazed at how PEREFCT the entire weekend was!!

After looking at 20 some-odd rolls of honeymoon pictures...I know your celebration just kept on going for 3 long weeks!


GREAT NEWS!!! However, most people are asleep at 4:25 a.m. -- not re-upping websites....Guess even though you're now Liss' HUSBAND, you're still m'boy!!!!


Henry & Shelli are the best, they opened their home and their hearts to all, and I really did feel like I had one big family. Love you both.

I hope that person I served at the wedding liked his steak.


Welcome back! I can't WAIT to see all of the wedding pics and hear all (well...not ALL)about the glorious honeymoon. Glad you're back safe and sound.

Ellen & Tony & Kids:

Wow. We had the most amazing time at your wedding. We were so thrilled to be apart of the celebration, from Friday through Sunday. It was the best weekend getaway ever, and we'll never forget the wonderful non-stop party.

You two are so special, and that couldn't be more evident during your special weekend! So much love and laughter.

Thanks again, and enjoy this fabulous "official" start to your life together!

Love, Ellen, Tony, Jeremy and Ian


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